Adapted Digital Assessments
Who can use digital papers and assessments?
Pupils who are placed at a 'substantial disadvantage' with the usual 'published assessment arrangements'.
They are for learners who:
- have difficulty with reading ordinary exam papers,
- and/or with writing or recording responses.
For these pupils, the school or college can apply to SQA (and from 2014, most GCSE awarding bodies) to use Digital Question Papers as an 'Assessment Arrangement'.
A key part of this is ensuring schools and SQA meet their duties under the equality act 2010.
How many pupils are using them?
In 2024, there were:
- 12,385 for digital papers for students in Scotland;
- 31,885 requests for other types of technology.
Digital Question Papers were the most common type of modified papers requested from GCSE awarding boards in 2023-2024.
What do digital papers look like?
There are 2 types of SQA digital paper:
- 'Question and answer' papers
A PDF with answer boxes in the paper itself for candidates to type their answers on screen. - 'Question only' papers
A PDF with no answer boxes - candidates use a 'Digital Answer Booklet' or word processor to type their answers into a separate file.
Which devices can access digital papers?
Digital question papers were originally developed for Windows computers. The papers are PDF files and iPads and Chromebooks can be used but in practice there are challenges with configuriong and managing iPads and Chromebooks in exams.
We are investigating options and will add more information to this web site when we find workable, practical solutions.

How are they used in practice?
- The school requests digital papers from SQA using the online Assessment Arrangements Request (AAR) system.
- SQA sends the digital papers on CD some weeks in advance of the day of the exam or makes the files available for secure download on the day of the exam.
- On the day of the exam, school staff load the digital papers (and answer booklets, if required) on to the pupils' devices.
- Completed digital papers and answer booklets are printed off and sent to the SQA to be marked.